[30D] 09 花卉展覽
sun, so many people and hot..... 靚到好似睇緊雜誌POSTER咁 ...實在靚得好緊要.. =.='我有同事話有去..但冇嘢好影咁話...睇完呢個POST我回去要問一問點解佢會覺得冇嘢影...>.< 嘩!真係好靚,無得頂,誇啦啦…… good job{:1_326:} 最鍾意last一張~
實體表達睇得太多有d膩, 好欣賞lee張虛化o既表達方式~ 好靚~! 啦屎果幅令我想起激流旅程呀! {:1_328:} 影得好靚{:1_328:}, 星期日咁多人都咁有心機影. 辛苦啦 Ronaldlaw 師兄.{:1_351:} very nice! thank you all.... {:1_254:}
To nel - I like the 1st and last one....actually last one is almost the same as 2397, just with different focus point.
To sam - it feels like lens going half into water....