nihilist 發表於 2012-3-10 18:10

連Laibach啲冷門嘢都出埋… 我又嚟The 150 Muderous Passions


kmissp 發表於 2012-3-10 18:52

The 150 Muderous Passions,有無多D資料?

alibabar 發表於 2012-3-10 20:30

The 150 Muderous Passions,有無多D資料?
kmissp 發表於 2012-3-10 18:52

   各冷門派 Ching 出手嘞,勁,不過真係比多小小資料導下各師弟吖吾該。


nihilist 發表於 2012-3-10 21:24

The 150 Murderous Passions
Nurse With Wound / Whitehouse

1989 CD UK United Dairies UD09CD
In jewel case

Track Listing
1.Untitled (17:35)
2.Untitled (11:35)

William Bennett
Steven Stapleton
Sleeve Notes
Recorded at I.P.S. Studio, November 5th 1981
A United Dairies/Come Organisation Production
This CD may be played at any speed

The 150 murderous passions or those belonging to the fourth class, composing the 28 days of February spent in hearing the narrations of Madame Desgranges, interspersed amongst which are the scandalous doings at the Château during that month.
Track One on the CD corresponds to Part Two on Anthology 1 Come Organisation Archives 1979-1981 and is nine minutes longer on the Come Org release.
Track Two on the CD corresponds to Part One on Anthology 1 Come Organisation Archives 1979-1981 and is 15 seconds longer on the Come Org release.

From William Bennet on Anthology 1 Come Organisation Archives 1979-1981

This was, strictly speaking neither a Whitehouse nor a Nurse With Wound album but a special project intended as a Come Organisation/United Dairies joint release - hence the attached UD09 catalogue number. Steve Stapleton produced the 'long' track (part two) and I produced the 'short' track (part one) with assistance from each other and Peter McKay on the other's tracks. It was in 1990 that Alan Trench's PWC and Stapleton decided to market a CD version of the album as Whitehouse/Nurse With Wound for commercial reasons and it was subsequently released by them without my consultation or permission. The proof of the greed is that they could have asked me for the tapes which I would have provided - buttheir haste proved too great. The master tapes were, and always have been, in my possession - when PWC (disguised as United Dairies') went ahead with the CD release they simply mastered it from a vinyl copy of the album. That's why the 'mix' sounds so different (and so disappointingly poor, in my opinion) because, to disguise its origins, reverb and other effects were (rather clumsily) added to it. Susan Lawly decided to include 'part one' on the 1990 compilation 'Cream of The Second Coming' so that at least it was available for people to hear in its proper form. With access here to the original recordings you will notice the enormous difference. It was memorably recorded on Guy Fawke's night 1980 and fireworks played a role in creating some of the sounds.

kmissp 發表於 2012-3-10 21:30

果然係underground 異端{:6_193:}

nihilist 發表於 2012-3-10 21:30
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