用買一部AV Amp嘅價錢玩AV Amp + 後級
如果買部3010要$18000左右或者我用同等價錢買2010($12000左右) + 後級($6000左右), 邊樣好啲呢? 師兄你幾大地方同用咩喇叭呢? 謝謝師兄回覆, 其實好多嘢都未confirm, 只係想了解多啲, 廳450呎, 喇叭就 Front = R700, Center = R600, Surround = R800買5009一部過定買低級啲嘅Amp(都係Onkyo)+後級呢?{:6_141:}
回復 2# avlam 謝謝師兄回覆, 其實好多嘢都未confirm, 只係想了解多啲, 廳450呎, 喇叭就 Front = R700, Center = R600, Su ...
ack_lam 發表於 2012-3-7 17:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
450呎玩晒 ?{:6_186:} Sorry 師兄, 係250呎先啱,打錯字!{:6_122:}
回復 4# avlam 梗係 2010+ 後級喇 本帖最後由 vicchow 於 2012-3-7 17:40 編輯
2010 + poweramp.
3010 Cinema 3D DSP HD3 is not really big improvement compare to 2010. And then all major different between 2010 and 3010 is only the power supply.
On the other hand, use of power amp such as Emotiva XPA-5 give you much better power control then the AV AMP itself. So 2010 + Power amp is a much better option. Sorry 師兄, 係250呎先啱,打錯字!
ack_lam 發表於 2012-3-7 17:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄睇你個筆值都幾鬆動,不如講吓你嘅預算幾銀,對聽歌同睇戲有咩要求啦 ?{:6_138:} 梗係+後級.........{:1_326:} 謝謝kefana 同vicchow師兄詳盡見解!
avlam 師兄, 其實我基本上都差不多65%係用嚟睇戲, 35%打機, 聽歌真係好少(差不多冇,而且朋友之前送咗對Linn比我,遲啲諗住影音分家), 至於budget就大約$70,000左右, 師兄有無高見指教下我?謝謝!