tinghai 發表於 2012-4-3 23:30

估唔到咁冷門既野大家都有興趣,呢個月晚晚都攞D碟出黎慢慢聽,由 modern jazz,classical到蔡琴Madonna都有,只可以係一句抵聽。由其係D bass既extension好低,Madonna 既Candy shop大碟隻隻歌D bass 都好深沉好蝦人推,如果無sub幫手大部份兩萬銀既喇叭都出唔到D bass(sub 30 Hz) 同低音變得好拆,但對Lore 播出黎另人好似去咗disco 一樣咁勁。至於蔡琴姐既歌又好似去咗現場聽佢唱一樣,真係用途好闊下。用黎睇戲當然無難度,但可能要換隻center先得。

剛剛美國一個audiophile 網出咗第一個Lore 既professional review, http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue60/tekton.htm 筆者用game changers that set new standards for what can be expected in world of "affordable" high end audio去形容對Lore,起碼印証自己的大膽選擇有D安慰。

"......The Tekton Lore, on the other hand, exceeds both in overall dynamic capability and in their ability to simply play loudly without any sense of strain. What's more, though not quite as powerful as the Silent Speaker in the bass range of most string and electric bass instruments, it is far more natural than either of my other speakers in its tonality, tunefulness, and ability to capture the overall sense of realness throughout the bass range. As you move up in frequency, all instruments are given a wonderful, natural sense of scale, tonality, and clarity that also far exceeds the other speakers. Voices take on, not just all the standard accolades, but an almost eerie sense of aliveness that I usually associate with speakers that far exceed my target price range. They seem to combine the best of what my other speakers can do, and then improve even further....."

chengvin 發表於 2012-4-4 09:20


hkntssb 發表於 2012-4-4 12:25

好正呀, 方便家訪嗎{:6_138:}

eggcake92 發表於 2012-4-4 14:02

帥兄 唔方便家訪都拍條HD片 放上黎睇下 la.........

好似好 正...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tinghai 發表於 2012-4-5 00:18

本帖最後由 tinghai 於 2012-4-5 00:25 編輯


題外話, 個櫃都好靚仔,係邊到買,大約幾多錢?
hkdigit 發表於 2012-4-3 23:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

個地櫃同掛櫃間公司叫Dickson 迪信傢具 係海怡工貿有shop不過我係深圳佢既flagship store買(世界之窗傍),大概平香港15%左右。佢地既手工同用料(意大利入口鋼琴漆和有色玻璃櫃門)係行內數一數二可比美義大利進口貨,唔係一般傢俬廠(好似係港人開的,以前出口歐洲為主咁話),地櫃大概七千幾人仔連運輸安裝,掛櫃就好似記得係二千三人仔左右一個。個地櫃最正係中間個層係玻璃,咁唔洗打開度櫃門remote都用到,我就收起個先鋒TV receiver,now同高清盒係裏面。

無聊小貓 發表於 2012-4-12 13:05


tinghai 發表於 2012-4-15 11:53

無聊小貓 發表於 2012-4-12 13:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

聽緊GaGa 兩隻碟同演唱會DVD,聽歌行Pure Direct開到八十幾dB無用十仔D bass澎澎聲地下都震震地(喇叭有落釘)。有駐波位個bass更加係打心口

chengvin 發表於 2012-4-17 22:00


cl30 發表於 2018-1-22 00:00

無意中search到呢個post. 呢個價錢{:1_328:} ....平過zu一大截喎,真係令人有想試下用細火單端推下佢嘅衝動.我見到師兄嘅擺位都幾貼前牆......請問音場深度如何呢?

komkom 發表於 2018-1-22 10:50

tinghai 發表於 2012-3-6 19:28

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