siuping 發表於 2012-3-7 10:54

本帖最後由 siuping 於 2012-3-7 11:53 編輯


ching 最後決定o左入邊部未呢?
R.C. 發表於 2012-3-7 06:03

我仲未決定,不過我既願望係… Mit 既色域和3D既表現,Sony 既流暢度與電影感,JVC 既黑位層次,再加pan記隻超輕眼鏡… {:6_122:}

不過有樣得意野想分享… 如果我有錢換間大 d 既屋,一定會試 Panamorph lens 配 DLP,個效果真係嚇親我…{:6_128:}

LPL 發表於 2012-3-7 23:24

回復 31# siuping

I'm using JVC X30, in Advance Setup, there is a option "Clear Motion", default is OFF. If you set to "Mode 1", for motion pictures, it's much much better.

DDG 發表於 2012-3-8 00:50


siuping 發表於 2012-3-8 12:18


I'm using JVC X30, in Advance Setup, there is a option "Clear Motion", default is OF ...
LPL 發表於 2012-3-7 23:24

Thx ching maybe I'll try next time. Btw, do u see some noticeable flicker when watching 3D? Dunno if this could make any help for this.

LPL 發表於 2012-3-8 14:03

回復 34# siuping

I found that, in 3D mode, if there are a lot of fast moving scenes, like Transformers 3, then it's not very stable, or cannot really clearly focus, dont know it's the technology issue, or eyes issue. I would say, 3D is still not mature yet.

However, when I watch "Sea Wonder Land 3D", it's very very stable, and very very 3D, even my wife said it's excellent. On the other hand, when I watch "Coral Reef 3D", it's not that stable too. That means, seems, the source is very important too.

snakejoe 發表於 2012-3-8 17:51

本帖最後由 snakejoe 於 2012-3-8 17:54 編輯

師兄,我都打算黎緊入手 AE7000,
請問你覺得偏暗係唔係指在全黑環境下使用也是 ...
ahylee 發表於 2012-3-6 23:16

AE7000 投影距離可以睇下呢度

AE7000 review
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查看完整版本: 4款最 hit 投影機比較

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