sero3 發表於 2012-5-5 16:45

所有M系估計要over 2K{:6_141:}

breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 13:49

Hi ching, I have been using a Netgear NTV550 for over a year, when it works its great but it has become very unreliable with frequent lockup for no reason.

I want to get a QDEO equipped media player, my requirement is very simple:

. I only play ISO and no 3D
. I don't need subtitle support
. Best to have 480i video output since I have a video processor but since QDEO should be very good doing deinterlacing and upsampling that featureis not crucial
. most importantly, it has to be very stable since my family will be using it and I could do without frequent lockup etc
. I don't need BD disc playback, so the smaller the player the better it is for me.

Any recommendation?

The Asus looks good but where to get it and is it about to be phased out by Asus?

Thank you all.

allenyu 發表於 2012-5-10 16:35

Hi ching, I have been using a Netgear NTV550 for over a year, when it works its great but it has bec ...
breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 13:49




breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 18:17

回復 53# allenyu

Thank you very much Allen.

I am getting an Oppo most likely 93, but i intend to upgrade its firmware so as far as I know will make it unable to play ISO.

ISO playing is a large part of my movie playing routine, so I must have a media player.In your opinion is the Asus worth the money and effort?

Thanks ching.

allenyu 發表於 2012-5-10 20:28


Thank you very much Allen.

I am getting an Oppo most likely 93, but i intend to upg ...
breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 18:17

ASUS除左MKV外,播放ISO都會有lag嘅情況出現(現時大部份Marvell 3010都會出現),
如果作為一部BDP,播放BD DISC絕對唔會有大問題,不過你唔需要BD ROM,可以講係無用.

照你使用情況黎睇,現階段真係唔敢推薦任何一部Marvell QDEO機比你,

breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 22:44

分享一點Marvell 3D QDEO 88DE3010技術,(買機指南陸續更新)

照你使用情況黎睇,現階段真係唔敢推薦任何一部Marvell QDEO機比你,

Thanks Allen, totally agree especially for a media player used by the whole family stability is probably more important than video quality. In your opinion is there other media player you would recommend, even if they are not using QDEO, like Realtek chipset?

- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用

allenyu 發表於 2012-5-10 22:59

Thanks Allen, totally agree especially for a media player used by the whole family stability is pr ...
breadvan 發表於 2012-5-10 22:44

以你只玩ISO為例,我覺得起碼都要用Sigma先對得住D file{:1_254:}
暫時得DUNE(香港買),同Popcorn Hour(外國online買)比較好,
而Popcorn Hour A300,C300都用上新一代chipset,質素比DUNE嘅會好D.

breadvan 發表於 2012-5-11 10:27

Thanks Allen, my Netgear actually uses Sigma chipset but it freezes more often than it should that's why I want the change. I also thought about the Dune before I got m Netgear but it seems at that time the Dune was very slow in fixing bugs.By the way my Netgear has full BD ISO menu, I would love to have that in the new player as well.

You won't consider any of the Taobao models?

E680ihkg 發表於 2012-5-16 01:01

本帖最後由 E680ihkg 於 2012-5-16 01:04 編輯

高清銳視 N3000 3D 藍光 高清 播放器!!123484533.jpg!!123484533.jpg

allenyu 發表於 2012-5-16 23:55

回復 59# E680ihkg

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查看完整版本: 分享一點Marvell 3D QDEO 88DE3010技術,(買機指南陸續更新)

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