上張全家福上來看看 ah ..............{:6_190:} {:6_142:}any body can tell why is it green colour in the speaker. thanks{:6_195:} It's really a nice speaker. 回復 1# hklin
please tell me the price and where can buy it, thank you 回復 1# hklin
Hi, ching, have u made any comparasion between D1 and TA?
If yes, what is your comment to these two speakers.......{:6_141:}
ProAC D1 箱開! 加相!
Which CD player does C hing use to match with Naim XS?而家用部BD30 同 MD10 頂住先,遟啲先算。
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
ProAC D1 箱開! 加相!
恭喜 ching {:6_195:}上張全家福上來看看 ah ..............{:6_190:}
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
ProAC D1 箱開! 加相!
回復 1# hklinHi, ching, have u made any comparasion between D1 and TA?
If yes, what is your comment to these two speakers.......{:6_141:}
有比較過,TA 低頻會多啲,但 D1 比較平均啲。
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用