umojim 發表於 2012-3-2 11:47


jonahung 發表於 2012-3-2 12:22

請教馬爺, 飛水線會唔會影響音質?

tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-8 22:26

回復 12# Wilmer威馬

Hi wilmer sir, I try the adaptor to connect the power cable without the earth and the problem is solve. But i am still worry about the safty without connecting the earth. I heard a product 地極處理器 (地箱). Does it help? Is it very expensive? thx for your help again.

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-8 22:44


Hi wilmer sir, I try the adaptor to connect the power cable without the earth an ...
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-8 22:26

I remeber I have been told, as long as L and N phase is correct, there is no problewm without ground wire.

I don't know what 地極處理器 (地箱) you refer to, so can't make any comments.

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-8 22:47

請教馬爺, 飛水線會唔會影響音質?
jonahung 發表於 2012-3-2 12:22

If with ground there is noise annoying, you can't judge the quality anymore, since noisy already a low quality sound

tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-8 23:01

I got it. thx. I am a really idot about hifi. {:6_229:}

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-9 00:41

I got it. thx. I am a really idot about hifi.
tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-8 23:01


tomtomsuccess 發表於 2012-3-9 00:55

its true. so hard to play with, but it is interesting.

Lester 發表於 2012-3-9 23:14

I remeber I have been told, as long as L and N phase is correct, there is no problewm without gro ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-8 22:44

    其實我吾係好明why 無左地吾會影響安全?

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-3-9 23:19

本帖最後由 Wilmer威馬 於 2012-3-9 23:21 編輯

其實我吾係好明why 無左地吾會影響安全?
Lester 發表於 2012-3-9 23:14

It is because the ground wire is help to prevent electric leakage
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