Netmans 發表於 2012-2-28 21:45

ÖLEVIA ZP-500 firmware (not HK Agent Version) support BD ISO

本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2012-2-29 11:24 編輯

{:6_236:}2009 product ÖLEVIA ZP-500 (oem)

I buy under $700 and play until now.

Should be Taiwan - ZINWELL Product ZP-500

Photo upload later

wilson1668 發表於 2012-3-1 18:26

I have this one, too. Where did you get the firmware?


Netmans 發表於 2012-3-1 21:32

本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2012-3-1 21:45 編輯

I have this one, too. Where did you get the firmware?

wilson1668 發表於 2012-3-1 18:26

    緊係可以啦. {:1_330:}如果你知其他 ching 有此機話比佢知, 愛護地球可慳荷包.

事原開倉買返屋玩一直 ok..firmware v1.4   {:1_338:}
但買了 Soundbar 後要 update firmware for 3D 後有 d file 讀唔到 (之前讀到) 就好灰 ..
ÖLEVIA 有個較新 firmware v1.7 for BT ... 之後就無了..{:1_334:}

the way

焗住更新去 v1.7 後又用左一排問題又來{:1_334:}
勁低能   {:6_199:}
有 dISO read 唔到, 前日又心痕想又更新玩玩{:6_201:}

* Ching, firmware 有 d 更新較高版本後不能再更新去較低版本, 請自決定   {:6_175:}

我發現 : ZINWELL的ZP-520T(Firmware 1.73) ~ ZINWELL的ZP-510(Firmware ??) ~ ZINWELL與Olevia的ZP-500(Firmware 1.4) ~ Astone的AP-100(Firmware 1.73)

韌體可以互通且互刷有無, 沒問題, 差別 : 有無網路RJ45端子與版本新舊(bug repaired) ...

我不曉得 ZP-520T 的板子是否有線連到空的 RJ-45 位置, 必須拆 ZP-520T, 或看 ZP-520T 的電路圖(抱歉,我沒有 ZP-520T 的電路圖) ...

因我的機子是 ZP-510 有 RJ45 插座, 刷了 Astone 的 AP-100 V1.73 版的韌體後, 之前的問題都解了, 不會出現 "只能使用一次有線網路" 的窘困了 ...

另一個變通的做法: 期待 ZINWELL 下一個韌體版本能 include USB轉RJ45的 driver, 把有線網路 include
進來,就 ok 了

我更新這個   {:6_139:}
Astone AP-100

My zp-500


其實我明白更新 firmware 要資源同商業因數決它.
有時件硬件行得走得, 但欠缺 driver / firmware 去支援就便成垃圾係好可惜.

Ching 希望你繼續 Happy !!!!!!

Change log

V1.9.11 110406
New function
1. Dispaly boot code version in the page of system information.
2. Allow pressing power button to turn off the player during the video playback.
3. When playing MUSIC files like MP3, OGG and FLAC file, this player automatically output HDMI/SPDIF 2CH LPCM mode even you set it to RAW mode.
4. Support new MKV file made by mkvmerge 4.2.0.
5. Patch the kernel to support USB Wifi dongle Realtek 8189SU and Realtek 8192SU.
6. Support BDMV and external subtitle file like .srt file.

Find BDMV folder where is the file "index.bdmv" inside, and copy your external subtitle file into it and change its file name to begin as "index" and keep the file extension like ".srt", for example, When playing BDMV (pressing "Play" on the top folder of BDMV), press yellow hot key to open the subtitle menu to chnage to SRT subtitle. The support of external subtitle files includes .sub .smi .idx+.sub .ssa .ass.

1. Fixed: The player can't access the network sharing of Windows 7 PC which installed Windows Live Essentials 2011.
2. Update the audio firmware to fix the audio burst in the playback of certain video recording made by several DSC models of Panasonic and Fujifilm, and some MP3 files.
3. Change the transparency of external subtitle to none, like the look of built-in subtitle in BD/DVD video.
4. Fixed: Certain MP4 file playback will directly go to the beginning when pressing FR in the video playback.
5. Improve the HDMI compatibility issue with Benq SH4241 with good HDMI cable.
6. Improve the screen flashing when entering main menu through HDMI connecting to TV set.
7. Fix the subtitle display unexpectedtly disabled after "Pause" and then "Play" the playback of the movie.
8. Now PPPoE reconnect automatically after the disconnection.
9. Apply the patch to fix the unexpected power-on triggered by the light of lamp.
10. fix the crash when previewing some AVI video file.

如果你知其他 ching 有此機話比佢知{:1_330:}
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查看完整版本: ÖLEVIA ZP-500 firmware (not HK Agent Version) support BD ISO

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