有無人試過玩 4.1系統?
因地方問題~如果唔接中置行 4.1系統會唔會好怪?有無人玩過?{:1_332:} 會冇咗人聲喎..... {:6_168:} 其實係個amp 度 set 番原本中置 d 聲係番兩個前置度出咁得唔得?後備就用黎做效果~我知咁樣比較奇怪~ 但係未有地方放到個中置之前~ 4.1 可唔可行呢? 應該人聲冇咁集中 {:6_136:}
聽小好多野 The central channel with be matrix into the left and right main speakers, of course you will have sound but whether you like it is another matter. I used to do the same many years ago also for space reason. c兄如用tv看戲及tv有build in spk, 可利用它來做中置, 當然聲同一般獨立的有差距. 不如try下自己收唔收貨先 如果玩環繞聲我個人覺得中置比左右聲道更為重要,人聲係全套電影的最主要部份.{:6_183:}