where can buy JVC X30 have a better price? around how much?{:1_347:} {:1_347:} {:1_347:} I have asked water goods.They qouted USD2795 with 2 yrs warranty.
It is very attractive. 回復 2# yhm88
that's really attractive. where? can you pm me? thanks! pls checkpm 回復 4# yhm88
no pm wor.... can you send me again? thx!! {:1_347:} Sorry.
Pls check again. Sorry.
Pls check again.
yhm88 發表於 2012-2-25 14:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
小弟都想知, 可否pm埋我呢? thx 回復 7# av2005
Sorry,我是新仔,不太懂怎樣PM 給你。
唔知有無師兄可以比意見。 我也很想知道,請pm我聯繫方式,thx!