samnet1 發表於 2012-2-21 11:37

強國Media player....

Now I'm use PS3 to play HD file..... {:6_16 ...
babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:27

Do you use Freeware "PS3 Media Server" to play the HD file ??


babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:43


    咩國都係咁話,有時問題係出現喺file本身,變數太多,唔同軟件唔同版本做出泥嘅file往 ...
lut 發表於 2012-2-21 11:33

係呀, 好多時D file 落media player 會播唔倒{:6_199:} {:6_199:} ,有時又有畫無聲或有聲無畫{:6_168:} {:6_168:},係電腦用KM player 又播到喎....{:6_201:} {:6_201:}

lut 發表於 2012-2-21 11:44

Yes!!   It's only can use FAT32 so that the max. file size are 4GB, also, i ...
babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:37


babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:46

Do you use Freeware "PS3 Media Server" to play the HD file ??

samnet1 發表於 2012-2-21 11:37

    NO ar, I'm store file to HDD/USB Finger/Burn DVD to play it, use DLNA to play I found it's not work so fine.....{:6_146:} {:6_146:}

babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:48

lut 發表於 2012-2-21 11:44

    Himedia 已經係叫做好D嘅牌子.....{:6_146:} {:6_146:}

samnet1 發表於 2012-2-21 12:05

NO ar, I'm store file to HDD/USB Finger/Burn DVD to play it, use DLNA to play I found it's no ...
babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 11:46

For PS3 Slim , it supports FAT 32 only( i.e. File Size < 4G )

Preivously , I use the PS3 Media Server ( LAN + Router ) , it can play file size > 4G .

==> For mkv 720p, it is smooth .{:5_78:}
==> For mkv 1080, it is lag.{:5_87:}

babuwa 發表於 2012-2-21 12:13

For PS3 Slim , it supports FAT 32 only( i.e. File Size < 4G )

Preivously , I use the PS3 Media...
samnet1 發表於 2012-2-21 12:05

Since my computer were quite old, so, use PS3 media server work not very well....

most of my HD file were 1080p/i so PB not so smooth, DLNA can't search the video file in real time, always waiting....{:6_171:} {:6_171:}

lut 發表於 2012-2-21 12:17

回復 15# babuwa

    好極咪又係幾舊{:6_180:} ,之前就係玩PS3 media server,lag到PK{:6_124:} ,而家用300A駁NAS行samba,不知幾順,掛字幕仲超強,又可以玩字體tim{:6_142:}

lut 發表於 2012-2-21 12:19

回復 14# babuwa


samnet1 發表於 2012-2-21 12:57

本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2012-2-21 16:55 編輯


    好極咪又係幾舊 ,之前就係玩PS3 media server,lag到PK ,而家用3 ...
lut 發表於 2012-2-21 12:17


==> Himedia 300A "mkv" 行 NFS, 都十分暢順 {:5_78:}。 不過每次的 IP Address 都唔同, 要手動更改 {:5_90:} !!

==> Himedia 600A ( Direct install HDD) , Blu-ray ISO file 有D Lag, 沒有 Blu-ray Opening Menu
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