yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:34

chhanthony 發表於 2012-2-18 23:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


chhanthony 發表於 2012-2-18 23:36


好似因為冇俾場租錢, 未教完已經俾人趕走...
yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

上次level II第二日都因為over run要趕交場{:1_260:}

yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:40

上次level II第二日都因為over run要趕交場
chhanthony 發表於 2012-2-18 23:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

但係點解吾俾多少少 book 耐 D 個場呢...{:6_136:}

我反而對 THX 希興趣, 話哂都可以攞番隻 Blu-Ray 同埋 3D 眼鏡走{:6_138:}

chhanthony 發表於 2012-2-18 23:42

但係點解吾俾多少少 book 耐 D 個場呢...

我反而對 THX 希興趣,...
yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:44

chhanthony 發表於 2012-2-18 23:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

thanks, 一定到{:6_139:}

HD2 發表於 2012-2-18 23:49

benny888 發表於 2012-2-19 00:02

thanks, 一定到
yuppi 發表於 2012-2-18 23:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    wondering will i get i cert after taken this course ?

yuppi 發表於 2012-2-19 00:05

回復 17# benny888

Sure, you will have a cert after pass the course.{:6_138:}

benny888 發表於 2012-2-19 00:08


Sure, you will have a cert after pass the course.
yuppi 發表於 2012-2-19 00:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    pass ?? is it 1 lesson then hv an exam at the end of the lesson? or how will the course be ga ?? thanks

yuppi 發表於 2012-2-19 00:09

pass ?? is it 1 lesson then hv an exam at the end of the lesson? or how will the course be ga ...
benny888 發表於 2012-2-19 00:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

好似係 MC, 1 lesson then hv an exam at the end of the lesson.
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