Ching明智既選擇{:6_193:} 回復 40# fmk888
一次過咁過份既話下次老細唔批仲死, 何況我都唔太like 係屋企睇3D.
係想知點樣先試度個3D 無問題啫......有無咩意見? 回復 41# emuho888
{:6_181:} 回復fmk888
一次過咁過份既話下次老細唔批仲死, 何況我都唔太like 係屋企睇3D.
係想知點樣先試度 ...
沙煞比 發表於 2012-3-13 14:08
我之前都係用菲記5100換過部藍光機,唔好size 左部VT2O好快HDMi ,電源線都會換。
Which model did you buy?patpatc1668 發表於 2012-3-8 00:53
我買左 VT20,一來因為 VT30 未降價,另一原因是 VT30 有的 2D 轉 3D 功能和個 iPhone remote app 對我黎講冇也用
因為 VT30 個 color filter 較 VT20 黑,所以 VT30 的可視角比VT20 細,側邊睇 VT30 個 panel 會比較陰暗。
之前呢度有師兄 post 過 VT20 和 VT30 的可視角度比較, 回復 45# ahylee
My p50vt20h were delivered last night and everything is ok. My family love it very much and they don't feel tired even watching few hour of tv. The Samsung cfu went to my house to install 5.1 home theatre (d5500) and said I bought the right tv especially if you have kid and usually watch 3d movie. 有無師兄可以幫忙指教下係無3D BDP 下點樣可以試到部電視既3D功能呢?
{:6_162:} ching buy one la, 幾百有交易 回復 48# chanchung23
買野要申請quota........轉機已經用左個quota......唔想無命住呀, 師兄 同老细講要買,如果唔係有機會3d 係壞{:1_253:}