在這裡也看了一埋英文名稱,T-amp,Pre-amp,power -amp...
看不清楚呢,煩請師兄們解答{:6_168:} 請教各師兄什麼是功放?
在這裡也看了一埋英文名稱,T-amp,Pre-amp,po ...
jonny13002 發表於 2012-2-15 07:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
功放 = amplifier
前級 = pre amp
後級 = power amp
合併 = integrated amplifier
t-amp = amp 既一種
ching 不如google 下先 小弟也看過資料,维基也上過
抓過文功放的版塊裏也有師兄們提及合併机和後级机,所以才發怗問一下! 小弟也看過資料,维基也上過
抓過文功放的版塊裏也有師 ...
jonny13002 發表於 2012-2-15 15:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
功放/擴音機 (amplifier) - 用來放大聲音的機器
舉例: 音訊由CD機經RCA (紅白線)出來時,只有2V, 不足以推動speaker (headphone 就得),所以我地要加部功放,張2V既音訊放大到吾知幾多V比speaker 有足夠既能量來發聲
以功能計, 功放有三種: 前級功放, 後級功放, 合併功放(其實仲有phono )
1. 將輸入音源(eg: CD 機)放大十倍
2. 有音量制,可以較音量
3. 通常有多於一組輸入,有選擇制可以選擇輸入 (eg: CD/MD/AUX/Tape/Tuner ..etc)
食前級的輸出, 再進一步放大音, 出speaker
前級+後級, 一部機做晒
以種類計, 功放又有幾種: class A, class A/B, class D
其實係講緊功放放大音源時的工作原理,吾同 class 有吾同好處壞處, 其中T amp 其實係class D 既一種 功放/擴音機 (amplifier) - 用來放大聲音的機器
舉例: 音訊由CD機經RCA (紅白線)出來時,只有2V, 不足以 ...
Lester 發表於 2012-2-15 16:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1. if more amp(s) connect in seriestogether, can I said 4 amps better than 3>2>1 amp?
2. if two amps connect together: e.g. av amp to int. amp; both can control sound volume, how to adjust these two amps at the same time in order to make the balance /best sound effect?
3. when I buy an amp, how can I know which type of the amp belongs to? 1. if more amp(s) connect in seriestogether, can I said 4 amps better than 3>2>1 amp?
2. if two ...
HOHOHO 發表於 2012-2-15 17:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1. if more amp(s) connect in seriestogether, can I said 4 amps better than 3>2>1 amp?
2. if two amps connect together: e.g. av amp to int. amp; both can control sound volume, how to adjust these two amps at the same time
in order to make the balance /best sound effect?
一般來講,用來駁speaker cable 個部amp (後級) volume 定在3/4 (3點鐘), 使用時鈕另外部amp(前級)個volume 較大細聲
3. when I buy an amp, how can I know which type of the amp belongs to?
問sales, 睇spec, 打電話問朋友 小弟也看過資料,维基也上過
抓過文功放的版塊裏也有師 ...
jonny13002 發表於 2012-2-15 15:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
功放=功率放大器 >> 內地常用術語
T-amp >> #4 大大已解釋 1. if more amp(s) connect in seriestogether, can I said 4 amps better than 3>2>1 amp?
2. ...
Lester 發表於 2012-2-15 17:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thank you useful information{:1_351:} 1. if more amp(s) connect in seriestogether, can I said 4 amps better than 3>2>1 amp?
2. ...
Lester 發表於 2012-2-15 17:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
For question 2 again: If Tv or radio connect to int.amp (only one amp.), then we should adjust the Tv sound volumn (fixed the amp at 3 o'clock as you mention) or adjust both the Tv and the amp volumn? For question 2 again: If Tv or radio connect to int.amp (only one amp.), then we should adjus ...
HOHOHO 發表於 2012-2-15 18:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
吾識, 其實你可以自己試下,如果分吾到又先咩理,如果分到咁你都知應該點做啦