拍得爛,仍然賺 Transformers: Age of Extinction
本帖最後由 lukalok 於 2013-9-4 08:12 編輯Michael Bay confirmed as 'Transformers 4' director
The "Transformers" franchise has been a success in large part thanks to director Michael Bay, whose "bigger + faster = better" mentality was well-suited for the task of bringing films about giant fighting extraterrestrial robots to the big screen. Which is why Dreamworks is surely relieved that the director will indeed be returning for the fourth installment - news spilled by producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura when MTV caught up with him recently at Toy Fair 2012. "Michael's going to direct," di Bonaventura confirmed, before adding: "And it'll be in the summer of 2014. We'll be releasing then." 唔係呀。。。仲黎第四集 ?!!?!!?! 咁好搵 點會唔拍呀 你都轉左女主角唔爭在轉埋男主角啦 反正故事垃圾 邊個做都無所謂啦
都係打打打咋嗎~~{:6_152:} 果然係咁...{:6_209:} 轉導演啦,佢拍到 d人類重勁過d變型金剛。 比著邊個都會咁啦,唔通有錢唔要! 第4集唔緊要, 但可唔可以搵返megan fox...{:6_128:}
我唔想再見到個厚唇長腳蟹...{:6_126:} 上次第3集唔係佢, 我諗我會睇多幾次bd... 真係長做長有 woo ! 第4集唔緊要, 但可唔可以搵返megan fox...
我唔想再見到個厚唇長腳蟹... 上次第3集唔係 ...
ykluk 發表於 2012-2-14 13:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
以前嗰件正好多 !{:6_146:} 以前嗰件正好多 !
avlam 發表於 2012-2-14 14:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif