Eclipse 發表於 2012-2-12 15:13

回復 77# xover

A bit actually{:6_122:}

Eclipse 發表於 2012-2-12 15:13

回復 78# leo25

That's for sure{:6_125:}

leo25 發表於 2012-2-12 15:24


As I said in my first post

第1次聽時冇用,因為喇叭左邊係窗右邊係飯廳,而我又冇toe-i ...
Eclipse 發表於 2012-2-12 15:11


avlam 發表於 2012-2-12 17:45


As I said in my first post

第1次聽時冇用,因為喇叭左邊係窗右邊係飯廳,而我又冇toe-i ...
Eclipse 發表於 2012-2-12 15:11

聽你咁講攪到我都好似唔試唔舒服咁 !!!{:6_147:}

leo25 發表於 2012-2-12 20:40

聽你咁講攪到我都好似唔試唔舒服咁 !!!
avlam 發表於 2012-2-12 17:45


Eclipse 發表於 2012-2-13 10:37

本帖最後由 Eclipse 於 2012-2-16 12:45 編輯

回復 84# avlam

They can help me out maybe because i have not setup my eqm good enough, if you try them on your's the effect may not be as much, one major factor is i am using av amp, the way it play music is so much different from int-amp. I am not sure how much differentes they could given to your's, i am still waiting foe my int-amp to come along, maybe by the time it arrived i will not be needing them, or i am so used to the sound i have to use them, who knows!

ATC7 發表於 2020-12-21 10:50

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