dominickwok 發表於 2012-2-9 17:07

Eye-One Pro (i1Pro) Spectroradiometer vs. Spyder3 Colorimeter

Eventually, I got this (i1Pro) from eBay:

It has been a long time that I suspect the measurement accuracy of my Spyder3 colorimeter (esp. for calibrating the grayscale and color gamut).It is in fact fairly accurate, at least to my eyes when viewing the calibrated image; but still seems to be missing something.

Eventually, I got the more accurate spectroradiometer (i1Pro) to verify my Spyder3.I have tested it on my old Samsung LCD TV (I think it’s 4-5 years old).As expected, my Spyder3 is measuring blue too high (or maybe measuring red and green too low) – thus causing me to reduce blue too much, so in effect the “real” color temperature of the image is < 6500K.This causes error in grayscale / white point target of D65.

For the color gamut:

CIE chart measured by Spyder3:

CIE chart measured by i1Pro:

So, again, in fact my Samsung does not have under-saturated gamut (as reported by Spyder3).Actually it covers the entire REC.709 color gamut quite well; but ...... a further measurement of various saturation levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) of all the six primary and secondary colors (RGBCMY) reveals a problematic color gamut of my Samsung – colored dots (the measured values) do not align with the white squares (the reference values):

However, I can’t do anything about it as this old Samsung model does not have a CMS (Color Management System) for me to adjust the color gamut.Anyway, the image quality is much better now, with the main improvement perceived in skin tone (e.g. less red, more natural looking).The Samsung was calibrated using Magic TV MTV3500 as the source (with calibration patterns loaded into it as .m2ts files).

My next step would be using it to re-calibrate my AE4000 projector, which has a nice set of calibration controls for me to play with.

Need to find time to do it ...... can’t wait ......

Netmans 發表於 2012-2-9 17:27

本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2012-2-9 18:59 編輯

Eventually, I got this (i1Pro) from eBay:

It has been a long time that I suspect the measurement...
dominickwok 發表於 2012-2-9 17:07

NEW TOYS {:6_158:}

Too Many Different

dominickwok 發表於 2012-2-15 22:15

本帖最後由 dominickwok 於 2012-2-15 22:17 編輯

回復 1# dominickwok

OK.Eventually get it done with my AE4000 projector.

Using my Spyder3 to calibrate the grayscale resulted in a color temperature being ~500K lower than usual (i.e. “measure” as 6500K but in fact it is ~6000K).

For the color gamut:

CIE chart “calibrated” by Spyder3 but measured by i1Pro:

CIE chart calibrated by i1Pro:

With the built-in CMS (Color Management System) of AE4000, the color gamut can be adjusted to be almost perfect for colors at or below 75% (with ignoring the inaccuracies near 100% saturation levels):

Gamma flat at 2.22:

Now the projected image from the blu-ray player and MTV3500 (separate calibrations for each of these sources) is much better than before – just ARAIG (“As Real As It Gets”).

dominickwok 發表於 2012-2-25 16:43

回復 3# dominickwok

As a follow-up from my last post, eventually I took some screenshots from my AE4000 after it was calibrated using my i1Pro:

高清翡翠台 – “新聞報道”:
(when compared to Spyder3 calibration, a little red push on the skin tone is now removed)

高清翡翠台 – “善德女王”:
(everything including skin tone looks natural and have the feel of reality)

(depth and shadow details is great – as a result of flat gamma 2.2 in the lower end – 10-50 IRE range)

高清翡翠台 – “和味蘇”:

"鐵甲鋼拳 Real Steel” Blu-ray:

(a strong feel of “steel”)

Trailer of “復仇者聯盟 The Avengers” as recorded in the “Real Steel” Blu-ray:
(quality of this preview track is only so-so)

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