唔知大家對QED Silver Anniversary既啦叭綫又點睇呢?
本帖最後由 szetojason 於 2012-2-10 10:50 編輯請教此線特性,用於那類spk好d呢? 聽過QED signature 的IC,以其價位及表現評論,可以話不合格,所以對QED冇乜信心。 I once used QES 25th Anniversity SC some ten years ago. I have tried it with several speakers---3/5A, Proac, TAD, KEF. But its performance is not up to my expectation as its bass is too low quality (light and shallow) and the high is too bright to me. I liked using Mogami 3082 (cross-shielding) much more.