walker168 發表於 2012-2-8 21:52

請建議 Amp 比MYTEK 192 Pre-Amp 版用 for CAS

MYTEK 的內建前級在有很高評價,可否直接用後級合或合拼機比較合適?

MYTEK 約$12k,Amp用$10-20k是否合適?

正在組連兩聲道CAS. 現有Mac Mini 2011. 完成後選徍麗,再視乎Amp,再選Speaker.

mpj645 發表於 2012-2-8 22:12

帮顶 同问

sokwan 發表於 2012-2-8 22:19

According to my little experience, it might be better to choose speakers which suits for your preference first and find an amp that can drive well the speakers.

Have you gone to DMT or Tsang Fok to listen to Mytek before? I think Mytek matched quite well with Genelec (active) speakers. If for 20K, you can buy 8040a. If for amp alone, since Mytek has balance out, it might be better to find an amp to have balanced input, like Yamaha A-S2000 (but I have no idea whether they match or not!!).

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-2-8 22:21

建議揀左喇叭先,防止先買 AMP 但後來睇中對大食喇叭就麻煩。

audia 發表於 2012-2-9 03:09

本帖最後由 audia 於 2012-2-9 03:11 編輯

建議揀左喇叭先,防止先買 AMP 但後來睇中對大食喇叭就麻煩。
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-2-8 22:21 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
馬爺說得對 !
小弟就係犯左呢個錯誤......(audia flight FL one 想配AE1 classic )


sokwan 發表於 2012-2-9 08:17

回復 5# audia

I just encounter this problem too---my new speakers is much more 大食 than my previous ones. My old amp (20W x2) is not powerful enough to drive them well. I am still looking for an affordable amp which can drive them well and reveal the potential.

walker168 發表於 2012-2-9 20:44

睇過Yamaha A-S2000 review,初選入圍,馬爺說得對 ,要選speaker ,再選Amp,

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