bass強勁 勁適合聽rock!!! 可以先在sofewave方面入手,EQ試試加點留意!又唔洗錢...tune tune先啦
喜喜天使 發表於 2012-2-8 09:54
都有開EQ來推低頻, 質係有的但量感係某d音樂滿足唔到我, e.g 電音 回復 7# sokwan
如果有錢的話都未必玩VXT, 玩genelec啦對嗎? Yes, that is why I am using Genelec even though KRK is cheap!!
However, the the lowest model for VXT (VXT4) should be less than 5k a pair. For that amount, you can't even buy a pair of Genelec 8020a. You can go to DMA or DMT for direct comparison among KRK and Genelec (and Adams in DMA and Tsang Fok). For bass quality alone, Genelec is among the best among foreign-brand active speakers given the price range.
You might consider changing powercord for KRK. A ching told me that there is big improvement after upgrading the powercord for his KRK Rockie 5 G2. 回復 14# sokwan
哈 genelec聽rock pop先係王道{:1_344:}
power cord 有冇咩推介呀?? 咩價位到? I was told that AET powercord matched quite well with KRK Rockie 5 G2. It should bearound 1K a piece (you need to two pieces).
You can easily find them in the 2nd hand market 回復 16# sokwan
有冇點入門少少 under6-700 一對??{:1_352:} 回復 17# pb1001
You might DIY sommer 4.0 power cord (2m) with some cheap plugs (like MK plug + 4781)---it should be less than 400 a piece. 我直接 d 講...對於 e 個 price range 的 speaker....你比錢換線加 DAC 的 C/P ratio 都好低下~
$1k 對線唔係唔得, 不過對 RP5G2 黎講真係唔值~
如果而家無 budget,寧可儲下錢遲 d 直接換 speaker , 效果最明顯!
同樣係 KRK, VXT6 已經好好多~ 唔會瓜我聽好多人講KRK 已經唔再太屬於 鑑聽喇叭 ...
bass強勁 勁適合聽rock!!! ...
oscar2 發表於 2012-2-8 13:05
同意ching講法, 另想問樓主, 用乜做source, pre amp? 大家交流交流, 小弟亦係用atvice喇叭