starmoon 發表於 2012-2-7 10:07

Denon 2312/3312 degrade HDMI video quality

hdmi direct to monitor(TV/projector/LCD monitor)

hdmi input to AMP,and output to monitor

tried many TVs, Monitors. both AIT 6800 display card and intel HD 2000 intergreted graphics will produce the same result.

this issue was confirmed by many other oversea users too.

4. Some picture degradation with Video Convert set to ON on the 2312CI. See this post for more info.
7/1/11: Denon's response: This issue shall be fixed with a future firmware update.


I was able to test a few more sources and found that the picture degradation by the 2312 is also present when watching Directv. Please see the attached photos where picture #11 with Video Convert ON clearly shows a green line that is produced in between the yellow and blue border portion of the Directv menu. The end of the word "seconds" also seems to have some random color blurs as opposed to photo #12 which has Video Convert OFF. #12 also does not produce the green line.
I have been trying to get an example of this occurring during regular viewing and not just in the menus, but clearly the Denon 2312 and most likely 3312 severely degrade the picture by adding weird colored ghosting to the picture.
The Boxee Box shows the problem more predominately compared to the Direct TV example, but since most probably don't have a Boxee Box I figure there has to be some that have Directv with either a 2312 or 3312 that can see if theirs does the same thing. If there is anyone out there that can check please let me know your results.
Let me make sure I have it set up correctly as well: you should just be able to plug your sources in via HDMI, then one HDMI to the TV and everything should work correctly right out of the box right? This would be with Video Convert on, or should I have it off for all of the HDMI sources?

I have attached a picture of the same menu with video conversion off so you can see there is a big difference. Clearly the 2312 is majorly degrading the video for some reason. Since you guys are experts, do you think I have a faulty unit, or is Denon to blame here?

My understanding of the video conversion feature is that it will convert analog/component sources to output through HDMI as well as HDMI to a higher output (eg. 720p in to 1080p out). So why then does it automatically default to video conversion for every source even if I am doing HDMI in to HDMI out?

Even worse, why would it degrade the picture so horribly? Shouldn't it just pass through a HDMI signal to the TV that can obviously accept it? I would have no problem just turning the video conversion off, but why does that effect the Denon Menu (no longer overlays the video)? It makes no sense.

Now, after seeing the horrible picture degradation from Boxee, I am obviously concerned that it is manipulating the rest of my sources. So far I have only been able to watch/test a little bit of Directv and Xbox and there doesn't seem to be any degradation which is strange as the Boxee is blatantly obvious so I would have expected similar from all sources. Could the Boxee be putting out some "weird" type of 1080p signal the Denon doesn't like (if it is that really makes no sense either)?

I can't believe that in 2011 a $850 receiver (not what I paid for it thank God) can't do a simple thing as pass an untouched HDMI signal. I have been a Denon guy for 16 years (the 2312 is my 4th Denon receiver). I love the Denon sound, but I am very disappointed and frustrated. Please let me know your thoughts on my situation and the poor video conversion this receiver is doing.

starmoon 發表於 2012-2-8 00:32

by tuning coresponding input source's video convert off. the video qaulity restore normal. but lost OSD overlay capablity. (volumne bar will not appear with change volumne)
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