Zack_A 發表於 2012-2-8 16:10


dennislock 發表於 2012-2-8 16:13


kcandy0000 發表於 2012-2-9 00:06

如果L牌router能正常運作的話,可將L牌連接Tp牌一同使用咪得囉,但連接前先將L牌的gateway ip改到和Tp牌不 ...
dennislock 發表於 2012-2-8 16:06


iczer 發表於 2012-2-10 07:25

bad idea for 2 routers on the same class network!!!
u need divided to 2 difference subnet
router-1 192.168.1.x/16
router-2 192.168.1.y/8

or difference class of IP range
router-1 192.168.y.x/24
router-2 192.168.z.x/24

since ur client can live w/o the password
have u setup the MAC filtering on the router?? else someone will have a free WiFi.. LOL

back to the question
have u try difference wireless mode - N/G/B / N-only / G-only ??
is the router has WPS mode ??
enable the secondary SSID ??
when on WPA/WPA2, try switch between TKIP or AES, and WPA2 only or WPA only..
forget about WEP - easy to hack. better use non-password with MAC filtering.
some router allow u to change the Mhz in N mode, you can try other range, not only the channel #.
is the password have any funny character ?? always try
what OS on the laptop ??
try a Live linux CD and see u can connect to it. may be hardware compatibility issues with the chip ??
i always use it to test if somthing go wrong..

simple but always re-start the router and comp/laptop after the change, sometime it cached on the device and coz problem.

kcandy0000 發表於 2012-2-10 16:08

bad idea for 2 routers on the same class network!!!
u need divided to 2 difference subnet
router-1 1 ...
iczer 發表於 2012-2-10 07:25

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查看完整版本: 有密碼wifi連唔到!!!

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