william_c 發表於 2012-2-18 11:20

電線用WIREWORLD AURORA 表現好好, 背景好靜. 我都係用係DACMAGIC度.

jasonhh 發表於 2012-2-18 11:52

回復 41# william_c

    William hing thanks for sharing !
Which ring cow u using?

popo388 發表於 2012-2-18 12:40


    Popo hing, are u using ring cow for your dac now?
Can you share a bit more ? ...
jasonhh 發表於 2012-2-18 08:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

I use DM (old version) before, the original transformer 不要提, 浪費了部DAC。
加了環牛(用條雞線)主要是動態大左,分析沒有大出入(依然算高),聲場闊左但不夠深, 所以我再在電源線著手,已有明顯改善。
環牛在po su 買(連外殼, 不用自己砌), $7xx
有一個問題,電源線是可以留用,貴一點都值,但環牛多數只可跟機,換機便沒有用,但DM的環牛都幾搶手,我放部DM時,都有很多ching 問是否可獨立放隻環牛,DM+ 與DM 的DC in 是否相同便不清楚。

jasonhh 發表於 2012-2-18 13:10

回復 43# popo388

DM old version is AC out cow, now DM+ use DC out.
So the good thing is if make the DC 12v2A, it can be used on other device if don't use it on DM+.
I dunno if that's causing the big price difference between the one u bought ($7xx) and the one I'm asking ($1800). But of course inflation in raw material (copper / aluminum ) and RMB appreciate are other factors

avbadboy 發表於 2012-2-18 13:24

I have a DM+ too.Can I ask whether I have to add a 環牛 so that I can change the main cable? How does it work? And can someone pm me the contact of "po shu" of Central? Thanks chings!

jasonhh 發表於 2012-2-18 14:23

回復 45# avbadboy

u can just think it as a better quality cow, used as the same way as u use the original cow.
The ring cow would be custom made so they could be made to allow u change power cord use using IEC PLUG. I only know how to go to Po shu but dunno the exact address.....

avbadboy 發表於 2012-2-18 15:03

Does any Ching has the tel no. or address of po Shu ?

Lester 發表於 2012-2-18 16:06

我想問下如果dm+ 交Synology Nas 係吾係用吾到ansync usb?

obee 發表於 2012-2-18 16:18

入手Dacmagic Plus 分享 [16/02 update給用 Synology Nas 的師兄]

Does any Ching has the tel no. or address of po Shu ?

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

obee 發表於 2012-2-18 16:20

入手Dacmagic Plus 分享 [16/02 update給用 Synology Nas 的師兄]

I have a DM+ too.Can I ask whether I have to add a 環牛 so that I can change the main cable? How does it work? And can someone pm me the contact of "po shu" of Central? Thanks chings!

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
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查看完整版本: 入手Dacmagic Plus 分享 [16/02 update給用 Synology Nas 的師兄]

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