Northstar USB dac32
Any Ching here are using this dac?How's the performance?
How much is it? 係咪 $15XXX 嗰部呢 ? 闊聲,分析力不錯,小許音樂感及優美,約萬中 係咪 $15XXX 嗰部呢 ?
avlam 發表於 2012-2-3 00:52
定價好似22xxx, 邊間可以買到15xxx禁正?
{:6_157:} 回復 1# kayulai
I am using this device in one of my office.
In the similar price range, that is a quite good choice, especially it accepts muitiplies different input type, and that is the only DAC I have could accept 32bit input.
My personal comment.
This device rephrase the music with some kind of addtionaly elegant favor, the difference is quite large especially when using it as a DAC for a CDP, the Cirrus CS8421 chips upsample the source to 192 / 32 automatically. However, if you mainly listen to mucial instrument without vocal, I do not suggest this one.
If you are using it as first DAC, and with mutiplies source, it is a good try. But if you already have other DAC, and mainly use with CAS, I would like suggest you to compare more brands before making decision.
Price - I remember the mark price is 22800, and you could find it around 19K easily in market, but a bit further with paying cash. 回復 5# ppwong517
嘩....$19k,加到咁貴,在舊代理只是$13.xk。 回復ppwong517
ckw3031 發表於 2012-2-3 04:04
唉,有無D好似PRICE.COM.HK 既網頁,可以格價後才買.....
唔知有無其他師兄最近有買過呢。 本帖最後由 silvermoon 於 2012-6-2 18:48 編輯
---DELETED--- 估唔到香港代理呢邊食水咁深
如果2萬左右你可以有更多選擇, Antelope Zodiac都會係好選擇. 當初 ...
silvermoon 發表於 2012-2-3 04:44
因我主要玩CAS,對比Ayre 部QB-9後,USB in 個人認為Ayre QB-9 高最少兩班,但價錢又一樣......
所以部NS north star 已經少用左好多。 本帖最後由 silvermoon 於 2012-6-2 18:48 編輯