以上個人意見,冇任何睇唔起 ...
關大爺 發表於 2012-2-2 18:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
話分兩頭, 睇戲最緊要套戲好唔好睇, 唔好用隻碟賣幾錢黎咁計.....
套戲唔好睇, 送俾我都唔會要..... 聽講套戲係香港某大銀行職員工生活寫照 呢套風格好唔杜棋峯! 老實講,港產片都成兩斤嘢,又真係好貴㗎
9spl 發表於 2012-2-2 17:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
哈哈,好耐未聽過人講兩斤嘢,爭啲唔記得點解 回復 14# 場崎良美
哈哈, 我呢種年紀講慣咗, "兩舊水"好似唔係好順{:6_176:} 其實各師兄大家既首要追求都唔同,有人買碟最緊要平、有人就最緊要聲效、有啲就追求畫面、有啲就主力故事內容、有啲就主角.......所以人人對點買碟既價值觀唔同,不需深究。
最緊要有好嘢要識分享~~~ 其實各師兄大家既首要追求都唔同,有人買碟最緊要平、有人就最緊要聲效、有啲就追求畫面、有啲就主力故事內 ...
kaiyau 發表於 2012-2-2 21:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
自由討論啫, 唔駛上心既. 單睇劉青雲同姜皓文既演出已經幾值回票價~ 呢套風格好唔杜棋峯!
mttmax 發表於 2012-2-2 21:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I attended the Toronto International Film Festival screening back in September 2011 and Johnnie To had Q&A session after the screening (as he's always had over the years).Johnnie addressed this concern and I recall that he openly stated that this was his very intention for this movie.Hence, the reason why you don't see Lam Suet and a huge chunk of his ensemble Milkyway actors in this film at all.He also mentioned that Lau Ching-Wan's character wouldn't be there if Lam Suet was in this movie since Lau Ching-Wan is basically channeling through Lam Suet in this role. 其實各師兄大家既首要追求都唔同,有人買碟最緊要平、有人就最緊要聲效、有啲就追求畫面、有啲就主力故事內 ...
kaiyau 發表於 2012-2-2 21:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
講得0岩,每人要求不同.好似變型金剛3 呢d垃圾片,一百蚊我唔都買會.