在我鏡頭下的馬爾代夫【一】: Park Hyatt Hadahaa
本帖最後由 pacifico 於 2012-2-4 00:54 編輯其他更多相片請跳轉到#41, #48, #65, #72 {:6_162:}
Park Water Villas
Park Water Villa
超靚{:6_139:} 回復 2# PP-HK
Thank you ching {:6_162:} Good photos. {:1_259:} Indeed Maldives is one of the most beautiful place in the world, thks for sharing.
Wondering what's inside the structure in picture #3? 真係好想去...但好貴....希望有生之年有錢去就好啦 ~! {:6_140:} 專業靚相{:6_128:} 回復 5# lemonstar
Thank you ching,其實picture#3 係酒店receiption,設計概念來自當地的傳統Dhoni船,謝謝+fun{:6_162:} 回復 6# 大玩偶
馬爾代夫一生人至少去一次{:6_142:} 回復lemonstar
Thank you ching,其實picture#3 係酒店receiption,設計概念來自當地的傳統Dhoni ...
pacifico 發表於 2012-1-31 17:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
icic. Very wicked design, I thought it's some sort of souvenir shop originally.
Please share more lovely photos with us later, I believe c hing has taken over thousand pictures at Maldives~ {:6_127:}