求1000-1500 Power cable 線推介 for DAC
Any C-Hing can recommand me some power cable for DAC ???Thx What DAC?
What amp, speaker you are using? 你用緊咩dac, 想要啲咩音色? 聽咩多? 英定美? {:6_141:} I am currently using
DAC: ASUS Xonar Essence DAC
AMP: Roksan K2 int amp
Speaker: JBL 4429
Will like to have more Warm, detail and thick voice
Use US Style plug
Thx all C-Hing ASUS Xonar Essence DAC
is cool and clear sound signature . 要暖要厚又要分析好, 乜都有都有啲難度, 4020算係暖同厚, 不過分析力會比aet hin evo差少少, 不過hin evo雖然有啲甜味, 但又去到厚聲底...{:6_146:}
viablue嘢淨係分析高但無味, 應該唔啱你...dac唔使要好大力水, 都唔使諗2.0/2.6呢類嘢... 回復 5# lau2001hk
YES, you are right, that why I want to see which power cable will make it more warm and detail.
Thx 回復lau2001hk
YES, you are right, that why I want to see which power cable will make it mor ...
doraemon18 發表於 2012-1-30 11:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
$900 左右 POWER 1 曖得嚟重有啲肉地 ! 回復 8# avlam
can you give me more detail abt this Power 1 cable ????I live in Macau, can you tell me where I can buy in HK ???
Thx C-Hing 本帖最後由 KING 於 2012-1-30 14:49 編輯
要暖要厚又要分析好, 乜都有都有啲難度, 4020算係暖同厚, 不過分析力會比aet hin evo差少少, 不過hin evo雖 ...
ykluk 發表於 2012-1-30 11:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif