iczer 發表於 2012-1-24 21:58

BD Player: OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Firmware BDP9x-64-0119B


Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-61-1219, the major changes included in this version are:

1.Resolved the loading failure issue observed on several recently-released Blu-ray movies, mainly Universal Europe (EU) releases. Their US releases have no known issue. Sample titles include "Jurassic Park Trilogy (BD Box Set, 2011)", "Kong Fu Panda 2 (BD, 2011)", "Fast Five (BD, 2011)", and "National Lampoon's Animal House (BD, 1978 version)" etc. With the previous firmware, disc playback will automatically stop once you go to the Main Menu and select to PLAY. This firmware properly loads and plays all the above Blu-ray titles.
2.Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples including "Mr. Poppers Penguins (BD, 2012)", "Dragons Gift of the Night Fury (BD, 2012)", "Human Planet (BD, BBC Documentary)" and "Nine Inch Nails, Live - Beside You In Time (BD)".
3.Per the request from the studios, the ISO file playback function has been removed in this firmware version. The previous firmware had the ability to play ISO files, but it was an undocumented function and was never officially announced or supported. Future firmware version will no longer support ISO playback.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

think before you update this firmware{:6_199:} {:6_199:}

galleryng 發表於 2012-1-24 22:19

ISO file playback function has been removed in this firmware version

RiceR9 發表於 2012-1-24 23:47


kenlaw1228 發表於 2012-1-24 23:49


kmissp 發表於 2012-1-25 00:14

唔係化"no longer support ISO playback/Future firmware version will no longer support ISO playback"{:6_199:}

jjjjjn 發表於 2012-1-25 00:36

本帖最後由 jjjjjn 於 2012-1-25 00:51 編輯

小心小心, 大退步 {:6_121:}{:6_124:}{:6_124:}

這個版本是專為OPPO BDP - 93 BDP - 95藍光光盤播放機 。BDP9x - 61 - 1219以前正式發布的版本相比,在這個版本中包含的主要變化是:

1.解決加載失敗的問題,觀察幾個最近發布的藍光電影,主要是通用歐洲(歐盟)發行。他們在美國發行有沒有已知的問題。樣品冠軍“侏羅紀公園三部曲(BD設置,2011)”,“香港傅熊貓 2(BD,2011)”,“快五(BD,2011)”,和“國家諷刺的動物樓(BD,1978年版) “等以前的固件,光盤播放將自動停止,一旦你去主菜單,並選擇播放。此固件正確加載和播放所有上述的藍光標題。
2.最近和即將推出的藍光版本以及用戶提交的光盤樣本,包括“先生樽裝的企鵝(ND,2012年)”,“龍之夜怒禮物(BD,2012年)”,“人類的改進一般的光盤兼容性星球(BD,英國廣播公司紀錄片)“和”九寸釘,現場 - 身邊的時間(BD)的“。
3.每個工作室的要求,ISO文件播放功能已被刪除在此固件版本。以前的固件有能力發揮 ISO文件,但它是一個未公開的的功能和從未正式宣布或支持。未來的固件版本將不再支持ISO的播放。

YOKISO 發表於 2012-1-25 01:00


yuppi 發表於 2012-1-25 02:04

等大陸版 Firmware....

metal08 發表於 2012-1-26 06:48

等大陸版 Firmware.... x2

metal08 發表於 2012-1-26 07:07

At least Oppo does NOT secretly remove this feature...
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查看完整版本: BD Player: OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Firmware BDP9x-64-0119B

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