desdes 發表於 2012-1-18 15:11

12月24 在amazon.de落 order 但仲未收到

o....I need to wait for at least one month?amazon de always delay ?

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

tiffanytai 發表於 2012-1-18 15:21

my Disney Steelbook estimated to arrive by today, but still not yet arrive{:6_198:}

desdes 發表於 2012-1-18 21:08

Is that amazon de always delay?

勇者仁傑 發表於 2012-1-18 21:29

我又係呀,佢分兩批話13號到,第一批到咗,第二批仲未見,就嚟過年,公司冇人收貨㖭㗎,真係奶嘢! ...
9spl 發表於 2012-1-18 05:57

咁你又真係奶奶地,因為 de 係用 HK post 送,會送張卡來自己去提 (我上次大盒),張卡有寫幾多日唔拿就打回頭的

pineapple2007 發表於 2012-1-18 23:57

我都12月20係 定左碟.estimate delivery date 12-1-2012但現在都未有,過年公司都冇人收貨要初八先開工{:6_125:}

desdes 發表於 2012-1-19 13:06

我都12月20係 定左碟.estimate delivery date 12-1-2012但現在都未有,過年公司都冇人收貨要初八 ...
pineapple2007 發表於 2012-1-18 23:57

    Have you sent e-mail to amazon?

BonBon 發表於 2012-1-19 15:16

What I can do?(estimated delivery date is 10 January)
desdes 發表於 2012-1-17 23:54

    用網站的live chat功能,有人立即跟你直接文字交流, 追多佢幾次又或者一到最後到貨日就投訴, 我試過佢4日內UPS到我手!

BonBon 發表於 2012-1-19 15:17

Is that amazon de always delay?
desdes 發表於 2012-1-18 21:08


desdes 發表於 2012-1-19 17:38

12月24 在amazon.de落 order 但仲未收到

    用網站的live chat功能,有人立即跟你直接文字交流, 追多佢幾次又或者一到最後到貨日就投訴, 我試過佢4日內UPS到我手!

Amazon requested me to wait until 2 feb and always cut the live chat! Always said need to wait !

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

pineapple2007 發表於 2012-1-19 23:45

Have you sent e-mail to amazon?
desdes 發表於 2012-1-19 13:06


I'm sorry to hear your order didn't arrive by the estimated delivery date of January 12 and the tracking information isn't more helpful.

On rare occasions, some shipments becomes late due to some unavoidable circumstances. International carriers have different shipping routes to deliver the packages. It is up to their discretion to route the package to the destination country. It appears the carrier had routed your other packages in a different route to deliver it faster. Unfortunately we don't have any control over their delivery system.

In my experience, late packages arrive not long after the estimated delivery date. Please wait until February 10, before requesting a refund or replacement. Otherwise, you might have to deal with returning a package. We will create a replacement order in "Expedite shipping" later, if you needed or (if the order not arrived on February 10).

I understand that waiting for additional days can be frustrating, but based on our historical knowledge of delivery times, most packages reach their destinations before a replacement order would.

We are happy to provide tracking information for our customers if possible, but packages shipped internationally are sent to the carrier's nearest regional shipping hub and then delivered to customers by their local postal authorities. Tracking and delivery confirmation is only available if the carrier provides it to

We take full responsibility should an item become lost or damaged while being delivered, and we are more than happy to replace these items at a cost to ourselves.

If your package doesn't arrive by the above date, please contact us again, verify the shipping address, and let us know if you want a replacement or a refund.

Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:

We're working hard to provide a stress-free and convenient shopping experience at I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you experienced in this case.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Thank you for your recent inquiry. Did I solve your problem?
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