HD > SSD 糸統轉移
本帖最後由 Kevin70 於 2012-1-17 17:20 編輯嗰隱型還原檔有無甚麼軟件可以抄過去個SSD度呢?因為小弟用緊廠機,又就黎過保,所以想換個SSD用,不過先前要解決就是這個問題?有無師兄幫到手!小弟係電腦新手,請幫幫忙,謝謝! What is HHT? What is HHT?
原明 發表於 2012-1-17 17:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
打錯咗。 回復 1# Kevin70
試下 e個
http://www.acronis.hk/cht/ 裝過個windows咪重好
廠機既windwos會加埋d無用軟件 我試過一個好原始嘅方法migrate 一隻細Size嘅HD (全部嘢intact)去一隻大Size嘅HD, 相信都可應用係SSD到:
1) Check晒舊機HD嘅所有partition同Size (不可用Windows boot機嚟Check, 要用Heira Boot 之類或"DOS boot" 加Fdisk黎Check)
2) 然後將SSD HD 間番相同嘅partitions, 當然你會有多.
3) 將隻SSD 用eSATA 或USB 盒子駁入部腦, 再用Ghost Boot 機
4) 然後用Ghost boot起嘅menu揀從舊HD嘅一個partition 去SSD嘅同Size partition, 佢會用bit to bit 抄過去.
不過時間都幾耐, eSATA interface 會好少少. 師兄,如果你用ixtxl ssd個 size大過你個舊hhd的話,用佢個跟碟software會成個HHD(包括分割部份)完全抄過新ssd。所有setting都唔駛set過。好正。 我用呢個既. 好易用.
download 個 free copy. 接好你新既 SSD. 之後成個 system drive clone 過去. 再之後換左 SSD 做你既 boot drive 已經 okay. Your PC should be able to generate some installation disks for you. Use those to reinstall the whole windows la, give you a chance to clean up the trash as well. As your Windows running for a while, more and more rubbish and error will be created. Better to reinstall the whole the system from time to time.
That's why personally, I'll always keep data in 1 drive, system and program in 1 drive. 你上 Google search 一吓,有 M記 standard solution。 Hard disc 過落 SSD 到。