呢D細功率機應該幾夾4" Fostex FE103E 全頻
唔知呢部2A3會唔會 ...
leo25 發表於 2012-1-17 10:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif嘩頂帽好高喎...{:1_336:}
2A3 不能直代300B的, 不同之處有二:
一, 燈絲電壓, 2A3 -- 2.5V; 300B -- 5V
二, 輸出抗阻, 2A3 -- 2.5K; 300B -- 3K~4K 嘩頂帽好高喎...
2A3 不能直代300B的, 不同之處有二:
一, 燈絲電壓, 2A3 -- 2.5V; 300B -- 5V
ADA 發表於 2012-1-17 16:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
明白 {:1_351:} ADA兄係膽機高人, 聽佢講冇錯
呢D細功率機應該幾夾4" Fostex FE103E 全頻
唔知呢部2A3會唔會 ...
leo25 發表於 2012-1-17 10:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
yes, I simply wanna try the 2A3 small power single end Amp with the Fostex to see if it can improve the sonic performance.
And I quite like the 2 little needle display too. but it cost over $6000.-
I understand there is another 2A3 single end amp with remote control vol should selling at the similar price range..
But this 拉菲爾 is factory built, somehow, it give me more confidence (but i know it is not always true)
Thats why I post this to see if asny ching with experience with this brand. 見跟機只用上新膽SOVTEK 2A3, 所以不要期望過高,
例如聲音好幼細, 好通透....就唔使指意.
但將來有錢可以 ...
ADA 發表於 2012-1-17 10:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ADA ching, do u have any 2A3 tube to recommend?
I understand 2A3 should be not so expensive as 300B, and it is also one reason I considering 2A3 rather than 300B
but from teh Toaboa web site, the same brand also has 300B model with teh same cost. but not on the web page of the Hong Kong agency
If it was you, would you choose 300B or 2A3 and why? Appreciate your advice. 本帖最後由 ADA 於 2012-1-17 23:35 編輯
ADA ching, do u have any 2A3 tube to recommend?
I understand 2A3 should be not so expensive a ...
chanwt 發表於 2012-1-17 17:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gifFirst of all, what type of music you listen most?
If classical, pop, jazz, metal.... 2A3 is sure win.
But if vocal, opera, light music is your favour ... 300B is not wrong.
For 2A3, RCA 2A3 is the best, and luckily, the price of it is not too high,
most likely around HK$1500~2000 per unit. After you try any brand of old tube, you will throw away the one China made.
Just like this one: First of all, what type of music you listen most?
If classical, pop, jazz, metal.... 2A3 is sure win ...
ADA 發表於 2012-1-17 23:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thx ADA hing.
i usually play female vacal, jazz and light music. its seem you recommend 300B for these type of music..
hmmm. i was considering 2A3, one of of the reason because of its price tag. may be i should also try try the 300B also.. but really scared by its price..
About price of the RCA you recommended, ~~HK$1500 is it for the very good tube? I am hoping to note difference from my current EL34 even with the china made tube even though it may not be delivering top quality! 本帖最後由 ADA 於 2012-1-18 07:53 編輯
I am hoping to note difference from my current EL34 even with the china made tube even though it may not be delivering top quality....Actually, you choose EL34 for vocal is wrong, if for vocal, you should select 6L6 type of tube, just like 6L6G, 6L6GC....for vocal, it is much better then EL34! <-- 純粹個人意見, actually, I dislike EL34...{:1_336:}
Also, you mention about price of 300B, yes, it really unreasonable!
RCA 2A3 $1500 is not entry level,it is medium, for $2000 it is pro level. Think about it. Actually, you choose EL34 for vocal is wrong, if for vocal, you should select 6L6 type of tube, just ...
ADA 發表於 2012-1-18 07:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1年前基本也都唔識,無做功課之下. 一聽就買了.
但總括來說,對這部機都覺ok! (或許因為沒有比較) 本帖最後由 ADA 於 2012-1-25 10:16 編輯
1年前基本也都唔識,無做功課之下. 一聽就買了.
但總括來說,對這部機都覺ok! (或許因為沒有比較) ...
chanwt 發表於 2012-1-18 18:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gifAll deleted. {:1_326:}
拉菲爾 經典牛推 2A3 單端膽機
係咪真架?唔駛改嘢,直代?- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用