想問各師兄,naim Nait xs 及 cd5xs 大約咩價錢?心思思想換!thx all Ching! 想問各師兄,naim Nait xs 及 cd5xs 大約咩價錢?心思思想換!thx all Ching!ckhlsw32 發表於 2012-1-16 15:49
17 26 ........{:6_209:} 回復 2# yinlung
Ching what mean? 回復 3# ckhlsw32
17xxx, 26xxx{:6_154:} I am using Naim XS integrated Amp and looking for CD or media player.
For CDP, I look for CD5i.For media player, I look for ND5 XS.CD is about 40% price of media player.
So, I like to see how is the quality of ND5 XS?For a song, played by CD, or ripped to WAV and played by ND5 XS.Which one has better sound quality?
Thanks 回復 4# YSIULUN
Around $24000 in MK. 回復 2# yinlung
thx ching!and cdp is more expansive than amp!!
CD5XS可upgrade嘅path多啲,雖然價錢貴一倍,但這實屬穩陣又長遠的選擇,況且音色跟5i差很遠!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 2# yinlung
ching!係咪一玩就要用哂naim嘅線就最好?包括RCA, speaker cable 及電源線?咁之前買落嘅咪無用or用唔着? 回復 8# ekylam