Logitech Touch I2S digital output mod
http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/KandK/messages/8609.html好複雜,有冇中文簡易版{:1_338:} 好複雜,有冇中文簡易版
hkntssb 發表於 2012-1-15 23:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Mod 主要是從 CD 機或其他 audio player 如 Logitech Squeezebox Touch 的 PCB 中提取
RAW data 作輸入,再以I2S 規格,用HDMI 線 (傳送interface 仍未統一)
傳送至有I2S 輸入的 DAC, 如 Wyred4Sound DAC2等
List of Compatible I2S Devices with SONORE
i2s device database
Reference from http://www.odysseyaudiohk.com
http://www.odysseyaudiohk.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1308418896 回復 3# wkw9811
咁用I2S 有咩好處同點解有呢個好處呢? 回復wkw9811
咁用I2S 有咩好處同點解有呢個好處呢?
Lester 發表於 2012-1-16 04:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
According to Wikipedia
The I²S protocol outlines one specific type of PCM digital audio communication with defined parameters outlined in the Philips spec.
It is most commonly used to carry PCM information between the CD transport and the DAC in a CD player. The I2S bus separates clock and data signals, resulting in a very low jitter connection.
I²S data is sent from MSB to LSB starting on the second bit clock cycle after the word select clock transition. ...
This feature makes it possible to mix and match components of varying precision without reconfiguration.
In audio equipment the I²S is sometimes used as an external link between the CD transport and a separate box DAC, as opposed to purely internal connection within one box player. This is considered, by some audiophiles, to be a higher quality connection than the commonly used AES/EBU or Toslink or S/PDIF standards. There is no standard interconnecting cable for I²S. Some manufacturers provide simply three BNC connectors, an 8P8C ("RJ45") socket or a DE-9 connector. Others like Audio Alchemy (now defunct) used DIN connectors. 回復wkw9811
咁用I2S 有咩好處同點解有呢個好處呢?
Lester 發表於 2012-1-16 04:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I2S skips the S/PDIF transmitter and S/PDIF receiver. I2S is actually a format to use internally within digital audio equipment. When equipment is interconnected via I2S, usually line buffers and receivers are specified so that it can drive the cable capacitance and reject noise. However, the drivers and receivers are not perfect, so there is still a small amount of interface jitter, but it's much less than with typical S/PDIF.
The most important advantage of this connection is to avoid the double conversion from I2S to S/PDIF or AES/EBU inside the CD-Transport and vice-versa inside the DAC; with the I2S connection the Master Clock is generated inside the CD-Transport and all the signals are synchronized with this and sent directly to the DAC. In this way only one well defined clock synchronize the digital combo operations. 回復 6# wkw9811
嘩, 睇落好似好理想wor,不過個手術吾細,吾係一般人應付到.. 回復wkw9811
嘩, 睇落好似好理想wor,不過個手術吾細,吾係一般人應付到.. ...
Lester 發表於 2012-1-16 10:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Studying, Studying
{:1_340:} {:1_340:} {:1_340:} {:1_340:} 本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2012-1-26 09:47 編輯
日前電郵過odyssey audio Hk (即wyred4sound Hk 代理),佢(Barry) 話已經將個網forward 左美國果邊,佢地不日會推出合wyred4sound dac2 嘅 sb touch i2s mod version.但呢個唔包括本身已有sb touch 嘅用家,只會用一件全新機幫你mod,以下為節録自我倆的通信電郵:
「Some customers are looking for lower cost I2S source to drive DAC2. They agreed to explore SB Touch mod built the prototype. It is not difficult for them as they have developed a very good I2S circuit already.
However, they have to do a bit more work to make sure that the circuit fits in SB Touch firmly and robustly. That is what they called productisation of the SB Touch (Mod) to make it production ready. They did not give me a firm timeline and sorry for the wait.」
做一做打手,wyred4sound 好快會在港推出一部 music server, 可以直讀書cd, rip 做 flac, 并放於內置的硬盤,同時,它可駁 LAN 俾用家抄出抄入佢rip好的flac或俾你放入自己之前rip的flac file. 佢最大嘅賣點係有i squares (i2s) 可以直駁w4s dac2. 但佢最大嘅缺點係太太太貴!個網話要16k-17k...{:6_185:}{:6_206:}貴過你買兩部Mac mini 加個play music software...{:6_200:} 按之前 post
RAKK kit 與 Wyred4sound 及 PS audio 的I2S interface 是一樣的
i2s device database