chung190030 發表於 2012-1-13 17:15

回復 10# plnl88

話時話,其實我睇到嗰D鬼影,會唔會係plasma獨有既產物:Phosphor trail呢?

dominickwok 發表於 2012-1-13 17:31

係 720P/50Hz (50fps?) 順過 1080i/25Hz (25fps) 的。
但我覺得畫面無咁 DETAIL,無咁靚。 ...
plnl88 發表於 2012-1-13 14:31

For 1080i, Frame Rate (25 fps) is different from Field Rate (50Hz).

In interlaced video (e.g. 1080i), each Frame is split into 2 Fields: one Field consists of odd lines; another Field consists of even lines.

The correct labelling is 1080i/50 (there is no such thing of 1080i/25).

But this is talking about the input signal only.For flat panel display (LCD & plasma), the entire frame (i.e. all 1920x1080 pixels) is displayed at once.There is no such thing as "1080i" output mode.Output is always in progressive mode.

plnl88 發表於 2012-1-13 17:41

For 1080i, Frame Rate (25 fps) is different from Field Rate (50Hz).

In interlaced video (e.g. 108 ...
dominickwok 發表於 2012-1-13 17:31
thanks for pointing out my mistakes C Hing.{:6_162:}

PY318 發表於 2018-8-3 21:51

dominickwok 發表於 2012-1-13 17:31
For 1080i, Frame Rate (25 fps) is different from Field Rate (50Hz).

In interlaced video (e.g. 108 ...


我用Panasonic iDTV佢info會顯示1080i 50Hz,但用Sony LED看同一個台,info卻會顯示1080i 25Hz,請問是否Sony電視顯示1080i 25Hz是錯誤的概念?{:9_419:}

WyanLiu@FB 發表於 2018-8-4 07:21

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