CAS 電腦行SSD比HDD 好聲?
現時有不少說法,指CAS的電腦 行SSD,會比行HDD 好聲,因為HDD Motor 部分會產生噪音。各位長老師兄對於呢個睇法有咩意見呢~?{:6_184:} 係 SSD 好聲,但咁 Q 貴。。。。 個分別可能真係極度專心, 要兼聞音樂, 逐個音對先至聽到...{:6_243:}
唔值唔值~ 係 SSD 好聲,但咁 Q 貴。。。。x2
不過當我用過之後都係番唔到轉頭..... 用緊SSD了.... {:6_198:} Haven't really try that before, but I would believe that should be the case. As I would believe the "noise" of the HDD, the concern is not really about the noise that you can hear, but the electric noise that the motor generated which will pollute the audio signal.
On the other hand, if you use SSD, you'll feel better as your PC surely run much faster. {:6_134:} 早輪行腦場想搵"外置"SSD不過冇再出嚕! I am Squeezebox user. I store FLAC in PC which is located in bedroom, and I play music in the dinning room.
I just wonder will there be impact to sound quality for this setting:
(7x24 PC) -> Ethernet -> SB -> ...
I don't use special power cord and power supply for that PC, and I don't use SSD for storing music files too. 個分別可能真係極度專心, 要兼聞音樂, 逐個音對先至聽到...
唔值唔值~ ...
angllewave 發表於 2012-1-12 00:31
其實好似有d 線, 如果級數一樣, 只版子唔同, 好多時都要好專心先聽到個分別, 事實上, 我不得不承認我係木耳... 都好, 唔使d 野換得太密. I am Squeezebox user. I store FLAC in PC which is located in bedroom, and I play music in the dinnin ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-1-12 10:59
你将同几首歌用 SD 或手指入Squeezebox 比较 PC 嘛,又唔會太麻煩。 係 SSD 好聲,但咁 Q 貴。。。。x 3