劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-11 15:32

《浪漫風暴》True Romance (Unrated) : Blu-ray

唔好以為係城城嘅同名電影,而係《鑣火》導演東尼史葛1993年作品,演員來頭粒粒勁,有《斷箭行動》基斯頓史奈達,《奇幻逆緣》畢彼特,《第五元素》加利奧文,《毒蛇嚇機》森姆積遜等等,華納美版Unrated BD將於5月26日上架!!!

[*]1080P 2.40:1 Widescreen[*]English and French DD5.1 Surround*[*]English, French and Spanish subtitles[*]Behind the Story[*]Commentary by Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette[*]Commentary by Tony Scott[*]Commentary by Quentin Tarantino[*]Selective Commentary: [*]Val Kilmer[*]Dennis Hopper[*]Brad Pitt[*]Michael Rapaport[*]Original 1993 EPK Featurette[*]Behind-The-Scenes (Interactive featurette RT 5:12 plus 5 short pods within the piece) : During the this featurette a heart icon will appear on the screen which allows viewers to click enter taking them into another small featurette once the pod is over the original featurette will continue where it was left off[*]Additional Footage:[*]Deleted and Extended Scenes with Optional commentary by the Director (play all option) [*]Alternate Ending with optional commentary by the Director and Writer (RT 6:21) [*]Theatrical Trailer (RT 1:57)

Terence 發表於 2009-2-11 17:05

DD5.1 only, no TrueHD???   

lukalok 發表於 2009-2-11 17:55

本帖最後由 lukalok 於 2009-2-11 17:57 編輯

QT故仔+QT招牌式廢o翕,Natual Bron Killer兄弟作,正正正,必入。
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