bh72bh72 發表於 2012-1-9 22:09

回復 20# halfnew


ttthhhkkk 發表於 2012-1-10 08:43

其實我買RA125時同場比較過MBL 7006->Trio
由ra125較去7006一刻, 音樂就好似由左至右灘開放在面前一樣, 音樂中的物件一一分離出來, 但好似無bass
再轉回ra125, 聽了頭幾句, 家人就說喜歡這部多的, 我都是
7006給我的印像是好闊, 分離度高, ra125則堂音多, 音場深而有動感

yoes 發表於 2012-1-10 10:02

If luxman, suggest to try the class A 550AX

matt 發表於 2012-1-10 10:43

how about Pass lab?

halfnew 發表於 2012-1-12 11:11

其實我買RA125時同場比較過MBL 7006->Trio
由ra125較去7006一刻, 音樂就好似由左至右灘開放在面前一樣, 音 ...
ttthhhkkk 發表於 2012-1-10 08:43

ttthhhkkk 兄, 在你的經驗裏, 推RA125推Trio除了好過MBL, 還有沒有好過那一些應夾聲的機如Luxman或Unico等?

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2012-1-12 14:11

回復 25# halfnew
I would not suggest unison, as I am a user for it before, it will blur the triangle detail, make the triangle not so 3D, detail, one thing is too enlarge the body, make you feel there is something firm in front of you.

For luxman, you need to be care to choose source, as I am not luxman user, the one luxman suit i heard before, for my view of point, it is totally not my cup of tea.

halfnew 發表於 2012-1-13 19:27

I would not suggest unison, as I am a user for it before, it will blur the triangle d ...
ttthhhkkk 發表於 2012-1-12 14:11

Thanks a lot! Btw, have u tried Atoll before?

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2012-1-15 22:23

回復 27# halfnew
Tried for two times, first time is pre+power amp(already warmed up), this set is quite good, very good conrol, if for my standard, it is a bit too more up top, the image mid low is a little bit not enough
Second time is in100se(listened to 4 songs wihout pre warm up), for me, it is thin, dry, too much up top, bright.

ppwong517 發表於 2012-1-16 02:56

回復 1# halfnew

個人試過配TRIAGNLE DUETTO,用Jadis DA 50 Signature, 效果非常好。相信配Trio應該一樣好。
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