劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-8 04:15

《地球停轉日》(2008) DVD/Blu-ray (實物圖在4,5,7頁)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-4-4 23:08 編輯


chhanthony 發表於 2009-2-8 13:12



劉一舟 發表於 2009-2-11 15:10


Standard 2-Disc DVD
-Essentially a barebones release
-2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen
-English DD5.1 Surround audio, French and Spanish Dolby Surround audio
-English, French and Spanish subtitles
-Packaged with the 1951 version of the film

3-Disc Special Edition DVD - Includes the remake with extras plus a digital copy of the remake and the 1951 version of the film on the third disc. Features include:
-2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
-English DD5.1 Surround
-French and Spanish Dolby Surround
-English, French and Spanish subtitles
-Deleted Scenes
-Re-Imagining “The Day” Featurette
-Unleashing Gort Featurette
-Watching The Skies: In Search Of Extraterrestrial Life Featurette
-The Day The Earth Was “Green” Featurette
-Commentary By Writer David Scarpa
-Still Galleries:
[*]Concept Art[*]Storyboards[*]Production Photos-The Day The Earth Stood Still Digital Copy for portable media players

3-Disc Blu-ray Disc - The same configuration as the 3-Disc DVD release, the Blu-ray also offers some exclusive extras. Features include:
-1080P 2.35:1 Widescreen
-English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
-French and Spanish DD5.1 Surround
-English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified) and Korean subtitles
-Klaatu’s Unseen Artifacts: The Day The Earth Stood Still Picture-In-Picture Track
-“Build Your Own GORT,” BD-Java Game
-Deleted Scenes
-Re-Imagining “The Day” Featurette
-Unleashing Gort Featurette
-Watching The Skies: In Search Of Extraterrestrial Life Featurette
-The Day The Earth Was “Green” Featurette
-Commentary By Writer David Scarpa
-Still Galleries:
[*]Concept Art[*]Storyboards[*]Production Photos-The Day The Earth Stood Still Digital Copy for portable media players

lkljason 發表於 2009-2-11 15:16


Laison 發表於 2009-2-11 15:40

MILK味都幾重o下 - I like this work.

lkljason 發表於 2009-3-3 17:56


1區美版雙及三碟DVD以及A區三碟BD預期將於三月底同步上市;Fox Home Entertainment發行。

三碟DVD影像提供16:9寬屏幕壓縮;音效有英語DD 5.1環繞音效,收錄內容包括:編劇講評、删剪片段、四段段製作特輯(Re-ImaginingThe Day,Unleashing Gort,Watching The Skies: In Search Of Extraterrestrial Life,The Day The Earth WasGreen)、相片庫以及可於電腦播放之高解像Digital Copy正片。

而BLU-RAY除將輯有上述內容外還包括:未曝光卡圖的攻擘片段以及互動遊戲;影像提供1080p全高清16:9寬屏幕壓縮;50GB容量格式;音效有英語DTS-HD 5.1以及西斑牙、法語DD 5.1環繞音效並設有粵語中文字幕。

lemonstar 發表於 2009-3-4 00:32


trango 發表於 2009-3-4 01:03


Hon 發表於 2009-3-4 01:20

呢套戲我鍾意佢個CONCEPT BOR, 等買

minger 發表於 2009-3-4 01:25

送埋1951年原版? 都係bd? 咁之前買了1951年版bd那些朋友咪仲milk?
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查看完整版本: 《地球停轉日》(2008) DVD/Blu-ray (實物圖在4,5,7頁)

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