shektau6 發表於 2012-1-5 16:08

Minimalist AV system?

I have some crazy idea i hope we can start some good discussion on this here..

Back in the good old days hifi system is quite simple usually containing a single source..maybe a single turntable or a single cd player.With that you can have a simple integrated amp or separate amp-preamp to drive a pair of speakers..

Nowaday, most people have multiple sources: cd player, dvd player, blu-ray player, CAS, HTPC, PS3, Wii, get what i mean. To manage all these different sources, you end up forcing to buy a receiver with back panel such as this:

For the purist or people with big house (hence money!)..they would have 2 systems 1 for AV and 1 for normal stereo.

Ever since I got the Oppo, i found out I no longer need many sources and I can live with one source only.I actually have 2 in my house as I am still using a HTPC for streaming live TV or to play video formats that Oppo doesn't support (like rmvb).If Oppo could accept HDMI input, it would be so perfect..

So what I am really suggesting is to use my Oppo as a pre-amp, buy a simple 5 channels or 7 channels power amp.This has 2 advantages I think, it provides the best bang for the bucks, if you spend the same $$$$ for a receiver or amp, I think you will likely get a better amp and sound and not waste on a receiver with half of the functions not used at all.The other advantage which is purely a personal taste as it fits my pursuit of building a minimalist system.Another advantage is that amplifier and speakers rarely need to upgrade, if the next system comes along, i can just upgrade to the next Oppo or similar without wasting money on buying a new amplifier.

The cons are, you are hoping the oppo is a good pre-amp (from reading reviews, it appears so), you also loose the room EQ capability of many receivers out there (oppo can only control delays).You also lose any capabilities to add a new source later (maybe i will start to play PS3 games once again...haha).Since most modern sources uses HDMI now, it would be wonderful if Oppo can accept HDMI input to perform it's video/audio magic.

Am i crazy or did anyone have similar thought as well?

siu3067 發表於 2012-1-5 20:35

I think you forgot the AV amp main function PEQ & DSP that player cannot serve these,and the DAC grade AV ampusually Higher than player

alexkcso 發表於 2012-1-5 20:52

本帖最後由 alexkcso 於 2012-1-5 21:03 編輯

Could be true since oppo or Philips got good grade DAC chips - since I am using entry grade amp (onkyo 507) I found that decoding from blu-ray is much much more analytical than that of amp.

Given u are not a fan of theatre DSP from Yamaha or alike though .. And u don't mind spending on interconnect cables to power amp

Other considerations chings would like to remind?

shektau6 發表於 2012-1-5 23:38

I think you forgot the AV amp main function PEQ & DSP that player cannot serve these,and the DAC gra ...
siu3067 發表於 2012-1-5 20:35

PEQ = Picture EQ? If so, I think Oppo would beat most AV amp out there...If DSP you mean Room EQ is something I find useful but not essential.If by DSP you mean like Yamaha ones i don't find them useful at all.The DAC in Oppo-95 would beat most of the Japanese AV amps on the markets..{:1_338:}

shektau6 發表於 2012-1-5 23:47

Could be true since oppo or Philips got good grade DAC chips - since I am using entry grade amp (onk ...
alexkcso 發表於 2012-1-5 20:52

Good points on interconnect, i have a 5.1 system so I would need at least 6 cables..and for balanced cable, would need to spend even more!

Dream system might be Oppo-95 + Nuforce 5 channel amps

The new NAD with modular system might be a good choice but even the basic setup still have too many things i don't need:

siu3067 發表於 2012-1-7 00:39

回復 4# shektau6

PEQ=room EQ
When you have prefect shape accustic room ,the EQ is not essential but we always not
The EQ function is balance the mixed sound from different channel speakers that receive by ears
Without EQwould loose detail of sound . i am not splash you cold water ,just told my opinion{:6_183:}

shektau6 發表於 2012-1-7 11:18

回復 6# siu3067

yeah make perfect sense, i do found the audyssey EQ on my current Denon AV amp helps smooth out bumps and valleys in a non perfect acoustic is life, you gain some and loose's all about compromise..{:1_338:}
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