chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 14:08

Audio Return Channel 搞唔掂

本帖最後由 chuchuchu 於 2012-1-3 14:20 編輯

TV : Panasonic VT30 (50")
AV Receiver : Pioneer VSX-921-K
HDMI Cable between TV and AVR : 富士極光 v1.4 ,經 VSX-921-K 嘅 HDMI Out 去 TV 嘅 HDMI In (equipped with ARC).

已跟足 user manual 所述 setup 好,但都搞唔掂 Audio Return Channel (ARC),高清台嘅 Audio Signal 都唔可以經 Home Theatre System 輸出 (無聲出)。有無 Ching 可以幫手解决?

按:Pioneer 技術支援CF只係答我 : "如果跟足user manual 都搞唔掂,只可以話我哋只可以保証同係Pioneer 嘅 TV and AVR 可以 support ARC; 其他品牌嘅 TV 就唔敢包"..............{:1_331:} 大佬,我部 TV 話哂都係 VT30喎。

plnl88 發表於 2012-1-3 14:12

TV : Panasonic VT30 (50")
AV Receiver : Pioneer VSX-1021-K
HDMI Cable between TV and...
chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 14:08
好似真係要用 Pioneer 電視先得。
師兄唔試下用第二個牌子的 1.4 hdmi 試試?

chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 14:18

回復 2# plnl88

都諗過會否問題係出自富士極光 ,有冇 Ching 用其他 HDMI cable (v1.4) 行到 ARC,不妨介紹一下,價錢又要經濟 (e.g. below $300 - $400).

plnl88 發表於 2012-1-3 14:56


都諗過會否問題係出自富士極光 ,有冇 Ching 用其他 HDMI cable (v1.4) 行到 ARC,不妨介紹 ...
chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 14:18

bb2002 發表於 2012-1-3 14:57

e 個function 係唔係即係電視 audio 經 hdmi 回流返去 部 av amp 到出聲?
如果係,我以前玩過 我用 LX-73 電視用 p記 v20h 無問題, 我用雜乜hdmi線姐.
但係用左我自己覺得好煩, 開電視部 amp 會自動開, 熄電視部amp會自動熄.

chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 15:25

回復 5# bb2002

Ching, 你講嘅係另一個問題。Pioneer AV Amp 有一個 "Display Power Off" 嘅 setting,可以從兩個 option 揀其中之一 :
揀"Yes" 即係 "The all power off function is enabled.The receiver's power turns off together with the TV's power."
揀 "No"即係 "The all power off function is disabled.The receiver's power is not affected when the TV's power is turned off."

Ching 因你揀咗 "Yes" 就產生你所講嘅問題,如果你揀 "No" 就解决到了。

沙煞比 發表於 2012-1-3 15:33

我其實想間係咪新款電視先會support ARC?

我想知我舊個部SHARP 做唔做到

bb2002 發表於 2012-1-3 15:51

回復 6# chuchuchu

    我無詳細研究,因為e個function 我無咩用{:6_198:}

wally 發表於 2012-1-3 16:08

I can do that with my V20 & Onkyo 808. I had a little problem at the very beginning, which I found not every HDMI port on the TV support ARC. There's one and the only one HDMI port support ARC, you must use that. On V20, its HDMI port 2, not sure about V30.

If its still don't work, I don't mind exchange my V20 with your V30 {:6_174:}

chuchuchu 發表於 2012-1-3 16:15

回復 9# wally

For VT30, the one and only one HDMI port which supports ARC is also "HDMI 2", which is being used by me.Yet, the problem is still here.{:1_260:}
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