Thanks a lot for Wilmer's hosptality. I went to his place to listen to 5i-10 and 5i-A. They are really good couple and I could resist but stayed there to listen to music for almost 2 hours. Their sound are muscial and natural, which is so hard to achieve in such a price range (according to my little experience).
This sentence is exactly what I feel troubled all the time. Many CDPs, DACs in the market claim that they are musical, natural, sweet, which is similar to 感性; but it turns out that they just lack of analytic power, dynamics and in fact "細節掉失帶來的矇眬感". Moreover, some DAC, like Lite's, has heavy 味精which could claim very musical and comfortable.
I am interested in 5i-A too. However, it could not read Blu-ray disc directly. Unlike in mainland China, it is much easier to buy the movies from shops in HK but not the computer files.
I am interested in 5i-A too. However, it could not read Blu-ray disc directly. Unlike in mainland China, it is much easier to buy the movies from shops in HK but not the computer files.
sokwan 發表於 2012-1-11 10:57
個人感覺你有 d 廢話,因為你冇搞清楚要玩 hardisk player o既原意,要玩 hardisk player,唔係方便你 download files,而係避開光頭式機芯每次播放時都出現唔同 o既隨机性不穩定狀態,所以就算有 d 平价 BDP + HDD o既 player,都只係方便 rip files 過去 hardisk 播唔洗接多部 BDP,5i-A 係一部旗艦级 hardisk player,連同軸 digital ouput 接口都有三種唔同輸出 o既特別設計,自然更加唔會求其跟個 BD Drive 一体化。